
Showing posts from November, 2017

Historical Solar Eclipse 2017 Following Adventure

On August 21, 2017, all of North America will be treated to an eclipse of the sun. Viewers around the world will be provided a wealth of images captured before, during, and after the eclipse by 11 spacecraft, at least three NASA aircraft, more than 50 high-altitude balloons, and the astronauts aboard the International Space Station – each offering a unique vantage point for the celestial event. Over the course of 100 minutes, 14 states across the United States will adventure experience more than two minutes of darkness in the middle of the day. Additionally, a partial eclipse will be view able across all of North America.  The eclipse will provide a unique opportunity to study the sun, Earth, moon and their interaction because of the eclipse’s long path over land coast to coast. Scientists will be able to take ground-based and airborne observations over a period of an hour and a half to complement the wealth of data and images provided by space assets. It is never safe to l...