Fire Walking A Brave Adventure How Do They Do It.
A gloriousadventure event u must heard the name of “Walks on Fire” when you first listen
that’s word u must few curiosity and wanted to know how it possible for human by walking on fire?
It’s a historic event
of past generation in various nation. They must prove their Concept, Behavior,
Brave or Religious moral value by walking on fire. After all era changes ours
thinking and interest now people
motivating do scientific or madness work that have strong reality to believe
it’s really and player is a hurtful
skilled. ( )
If u want to do an
adventure feelings you just trying this, On the other hand if you didn’t follow
rule is a crazy serious injure be happen so remember it before do. Firewalking is the act of walking barefoot over a bed of hot embers or
stones. Firewalking has been practiced by many people and cultures in all parts
of the world, with the earliest known reference dating back to Iron Age India –
c. 1200 BC.( Wikipedia link:
Coal is not a good conductor of heat, so youwould need to be standing on the coal for about five seconds for the heat to
actually get to you. Should just admit that he is just teaching this stuff for
money, and when doesn't admit tell him to "Fire Walk" on pots and
pans lit at 400°F. Let see how that would go.(
it going to be a tittle injuries for people to move it. Be seriously do it. (
Walking across hot coals is a ritual for the
thousands of follower’s motivation. Something went wrong at a fire walk in
Dallas Few days before onenight as 30 people were treated for burns, 5 of them had to be
hospitalized. Inside Edition spoke to Melissa Seureau, who posted a photo of
her burned and blistered foot on Twitter. Melissa also took a photo of the
makeshift emergency room set up to treat the fire walk victims.
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